Thursday, April 28, 2005

The Three Types of marriage

All this occurred to me in the car one day.....

Based purely on observation and insight I arrive at this conclusion

  • Cult marriage - This does not mean that the people involved are in a cult, or were married in a cult, but rather that they act a private cult of two. Often called "Joined At The Brain" these two differ only in gender and maybe appearance. Holding identical views on things, these people are rarely apart and share without thinking. Over time they also adopt similar body language.

  • Team marriage - In contrast to the cult marriage, these two contrast well with each other. Their skills do not overlap and they work very well together, though with each playing a different part. Life is measured in tasks completed and there must always be some project in the works.

  • Role Based marriage - The most common type, this is the storybook marriage, with each partner self-consciously acting the part of the husband or wife. The term "being a good husband" or "being a good wife" can only be meaningfully applied to this type.
Or something like that.

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