Thursday, July 12, 2007

Free Photoshop Actions for my loyal readers

As my Nikon D80 makes it quite easy to take several hundred photos per session, and converting from the RAW format to psd takes forever (per photo) I recently created a couple of new photoshop actions to speed conversion and color correction.

They are both part of an action set I call "Mass Photo Actions"; you can download it here.

There are two actions in there that serve different purposes. The first action "RawToPSDNoTweaks" just takes a RAW file from a particular directory, converts it using the default settings, saves it as a psd file, and then closes it. It does no color correction, use this one if you intend to make a lot of manual color corrections later.

The second one "RawToPSDWithTweaks" opens and converts the file like the one above, and then does a safe amount of color correction and image sharpening to the image, saves it as a psd and then closes the file. Use this one if you took a bunch of well-exposed photos and just want to do some small automated tweaks.

None of these functions are that notable in and of themselves, but when run in a batch on hundreds of files they save hours of time.

To use it, first download the action, put it somewhere on your hard drive, bring it into PhotoShop using the "Load Actions" option on your Actions toolbar. Now it's ready to be used on an individual file.

To run it in a batch, just go to File > Automate > Batch - and then choose the proper photoshop action and the source and destination directories.

No warranty is expressed or implied, you do this at your own risk. I've only tested this on PhotoShop CS Two on Windows Vista. Use at your own risk.

I just felt like sharing. These two actions save me hours of time after every photo adventure.

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