Friday, July 20, 2007

The in-laws crack the mainstream media!

Actually it's my brother's in-laws, but anyway, they were recently recognized by the Atlanta Journal Constitution
Cobb couple showing soldiers they care

Mary and Ed Ettel spend most weekends in their basement creating care packages for troops in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and Kosovo/Serbia. In 16 months, they have mailed 376 boxes weighing 5,723 pounds and helping 6,365 service members.

The east Cobb couple and about a dozen volunteers packed 16 boxes Saturday with snacks and hygiene items. During summer mailings, they add baby wipes, salty snacks and water bottles. They also put in Beanie Babies, candy and sometimes soccer balls for soldiers to give to the children they meet.

The Ettels get requests for items through a program called Soldiers post items they need on the Web site and volunteers kick into action.
How cool!

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