Thoughts on the debate - VP Edition
In random order
- Regarding Palin - If you can cram enough into 6 weeks to pull off an acceptable job at a debate, either the interview process is flawed or the job simply isn't that hard. The fact that McCain and Obama can not show up for work for two year periods would suggest the latter.
- While I don't think Palin won the debate (it wasn't set up to have a winner really) she clearly took and held the initiative the entire evening
- Biden looked like the knowledgeable guy he probably is, which is really all the veep should be.
- Should McCain lose this election - which it seems he will - Palin probably will be competing with Huckabee for the face of the Republican party, and winning. It certainly seems to going in a populist direction
- The deep love of Israel was particularly noxious on both parties. Granted, Palin is a tribal candidate, not an ideological one, but there seemed to be more love and affection for Israel from her than there was for America as a whole (small town America is a subset). Biden was just foppish on that matter.
- It's insulting to only mention Israel when talking about our allies, particularly when the UK and Australia have always stood buy us. Neither mentioned those members of the Anglosphere.
- The constant mentions of energy independence destroyed any ability for me to take either seriously.
- While I've seen several mentions of Palin winking at the camera, I haven't seen any mention of her refering to him as "Senator O'Biden" nor of Biden's reference to "Bosniaks".
Labels: Biden, debates, Politics, Sarah Palin
She was given a pass on the O'Biden thing in the transcripts. But I know multiple people who noted it when it happened, and noticed it missing from the record.
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