Thursday, July 12, 2007

The start of the Friday In Appreciation Series

I've decided to start a more or less weekly series about the people and forces of that don't get enough credit in our society. I call it the Friday In Appreciation Series.

We live in age when sanctimonious piety rivals hydrogen as the most common thing in the universe. Be it suburbanites railing against city-dwellers not having children, Ultra-Calvinist urbanites railing against Bushies standing in the way of progress, or Muslims from loser countries blaming Danish cartoons for their crappy lives, it's hard to walk five feet without getting smacked in the face by righteous outrage, backed up by the usual litany of reasons people have for telling other people to run their lives.

But there's one group that not only walks the walk and talks the talk; they also handle the snakes. Yep, I'm talking about Snake Handlers. It's refreshing to see someone use the fine print and not bother other people. They actually follow the fine print just because it's there. They even keep going when their leaders die of snake-bite. Now that's faith!

Thus I begin the series.

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